Mud Gallery ❤ Ceramics & Fine Art

safe space

Mud Gallery is an artist-owned creative space featuring Primitive Mud Pottery by Teresa Speakman, art by local artists, and pottery playshops (registration required)​ to make your own. Whether you want to make pottery or find a unique gift or art for your table or wall, we have it all!

Thursday, Friday, Saturday 11:00 am-5:00 pm
Also by appointment.
Book a session or pottery playshop any day of the week!

Mud Gallery’s Featured Artists

Playshop… because it isn’t work

Pottery Playshops are designed for you to have fun while creating a functional or decorative piece using hand-building techniques. Primitive Mud Pottery Studio will finish your piece and will be ready for you to pick up in usually 2-3 weeks. You are welcome to bring your favorite beverage while visiting and playing. We are located in Lancaster’s DORA district.

Upcoming Playshops

Upcoming Events

Available Parking: You can use the first 7 spots in the adjacent parking lot left of the gallery.
You can safely disregard the private parking sign. Other parking lots can be found on this map.